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Saraswathi Vidya Bhavan’s College of Pharmacy (SVBCP), is establishedin year 1993, with the aim to set forth quality pharmacy education and training to searv the needs of pharma profession and society. The Pharmacy college managed under the umbrella of NES-SVB Trust, approved by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), and affiliated to University of Mumbai. With the futuristic and visionary leadership of founder president Dr. R. Varadrajan and constant support of director Dr. Balasubramanian V., institute has completed amazing 29 years of excellence in education and developing students for their bright future. SVBCP offers Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm.) Bachelors in Pharmacy (B.Pharm.), Masters in Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) in Pharmacognosy & Q.A., as well as Doctoral (Ph.D.) in Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry. The institute comprises a magnificent building of Ground + 3 floors on a sprawling land of 5 acres, amidst green and serene surroundings with excellent infrastructure, conducive to learning, research and higher studies. The campus is surrounded by a belt of chemical and pharmaceutical industries acting just as hinterland to a port.

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To stand distinguished as a Centre of Excellence that fosters talent, research aptitude, entrepreneurship, human values and holistic development of competent healthcare professionals to fulfill the requirements of the industry and community, at large.
- To provide state-of-the-art infrastructure and a teaching-learning environment that is conducive for holistic development.
- To instill the values of discipline, integrity, humanity and professionalism required for the healthcare sector.
- To nurture young professional leaders to work towards novel research ideas, innovation and entrepreneurial thinking for benefit of the community, at large.
- To impart knowledge , develop skills and core competency in subject of pharmaceutical sciences in order to develop a career through higher studies, employment and entrepreneurship
- To inculcate deep sense of humanity , discipline and responsibility towards society by keeping in mind ethics for health care related practices and play role in patient counseling
- To empower the students to integrate the technical and the allied knowledge gained through various courses of pharmacy programme for sustainable development of pharmacy profession and society as a whole.
- To inspire students to keep abreast of state of art technology through life long learning.
Message from Founder President NES SVB Group

Awards & Accolades
- Triple British Honour – Triple British Honour
A glorious moment in the series of achievements
- British Fellowship to the Founder
- British Quality Mark and corporate membership to the NES-SVB group of Institutions
- Education Icon of the Year 2020
- Education Icon of the Year 2020
- Asia’s Education Leader Award 2017
- Best Teacher Award in 1997
- Outstanding Educationist Award in 1994
Instrumental facilities are available to Industries and Post graduate students of other colleges for carrying out analytical work. For assistance, contact:
Dr Chhaya Gadgoli
HOD & Professor Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry
Dr Archana Naik
Associate Professor Instrument Room Incharge
Email : [email protected]