Rules and Regulation
Academic Calendar
Exam Schedule

Rules and Regulation

Attendance for all lectures / practicals / tests / examinations / seminars is compulsory. A student who is not regular in attendance or fails to carry out his/her work to the satisfaction of the faculty I/C and Principal is liable to cancellation of his / her term.

As per the University Ordinance 119; 75% attendance is compulsory for keeping the term. The student who does not have the required attendance (at least 75%) of lectures and practicals conducted or who does not show satisfactory progress will not be allowed to appear for the final examinations.


Attending periodic exams, class tests and seminars conducted in each semester is compulsory.

Designation  – Professor, I/c Principal 


Designation  – H.O.D. Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry Department 

Designation  –  H.O.D. Pharmachemistry Department

Designation  – D.Pharm. In-charge & H.O.D. Pharmaceutics Department

Designation  – Assistant Professor

Designation  –Assistant Professor 

Designation  – H.O.D. Pharmacology Department

Designation  –Assistant Professor

Designation  – Assistant Professor

Designation  – Assistant Professor 

Designation  – Assistant Professor

Designation  – Associate Professor

Designation  – Assistant Professor

Designation  – Assistant Professor

Designation  – Lecturer 

Designation  – Lecturer

Designation  – Lecturer 

Designation  – Lecturer

Designation  – Lecturer

Designation  – Lecturer 

Designation  – Lecturer 

Designation  – Lecturer

Designation  – Lecturer

Designation  – Lecturer

Designation  – Lecturer

Designation  – Lecturer

“College is the body and library is the soul of it, which moulds the future of the student”

About Library
Library Hours
Library Rules
Library Collections
Circulation Policies
Library Memberships
Sections of the Library
Library Facilities & Library Services


• About Library
Our library is a treasure house of important books. The library area is 150 sq. mtr. with seating capacity of 100 readers including PG, UG and Staff. The library has a specialized collection in the field of Pharmacy including Reference Books like Encyclopaedia of Pharmaceutical Technology; Indian, U.S. & British Pharmacopoeias; Dictionaries, Medical Dictionary; National and British Formulary; Merck Index, Martindale; Decker Series etc. We subscribe to most leading National and International Journals related to the Pharmacy.
The Library Resource Centre offers the services as Reading Facilities, Reference, Open Access Facility (Staff & M. Pharm.), CAS, SDI, Photocopying, Circulation, Video Viewing, Computerized Information Search (Digital Library), Newspaper Clipping etc.
The Library is a member of University Department of Chemical Technology (UDCT), through which our PG and Staff members can refer their library and access Online Databases, Full text Journals, Full text Books etc. One of the outstanding attributes of the Library is the availability of sustaining funds from the trust and as a result of the creation of special endowments for library.
In the present scenario library clienteles are more attracted by the information available in e-form rather than physically searching through catalogue etc. Therefore the Digital Library becomes the necessity of the library for their better usage of collection. SVBCP had inaugurated the DIGITAL LIBRARY ON 19th FEBRUARY, 2008. Through which users are able to access Thesis, Seminars [full text from 2008 onwards], Industrial Reports [full text from 2008 onwards], Staff Publications, Teaching aids, Periodic and Semester Question Papers, Syllabus, E-Books etc.
Application Form: Student Teachers

Library Hours
• Monday to Friday: 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
• Saturday 9.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
• Library remains close on Sundays and All college Holidays


Library Rules
• Every student must possess his/her Identity Card/ Library card while making use of the Library facilities and produce the same as and when asked by the staff.
• Enter your name and Sign in the register kept at the entrance counter before entering in the library.
• No personal belongings allowed inside the library. Students should deposit their bags in the hooks provided outside the reading hall.
• Silence and Discipline must be maintained in the Library Premises
• Students are instructed to make the entry in the Book card and check the books while borrowing and they will be responsible for any type of damage noticed at the time of return.
• Students are required to handle the Books and reading material very carefully. Marking library books with pencil or ink, tearing the pages or spoiling the same is strictly prohibited.
• When Books are issued, students should check the pages of the issued books and if pages are found missing, they should report the same to the Librarian before leaving the Counter. On returning the books, if pages are found missing, then the last borrower of the book shall be held accountable for the missing pages and shall accordingly be fined.
• Reference books are issued only at working hours of the Library.
• Newspaper and Magazines will not be issued and can only be consulted for reading within the Library premises.
• If the books are lost, then the borrower shall replace the books of the same edition or latest edition or pay double cost of the book after getting permission from the librarian.


Library Collections

• Volumes of books – 8062
• Titles of books – 1577
• No. of Printed National Journals – 16
• E-journals: Bentham Science & ScienceDirect – 23
• Bound Journals – 787
• Educational CDs – 54
• Thesis – 211
• Seminar Report (B. Pharm. / M.Pharm.) – 462
• Industrial Training Report – 640
• Drug Information Report – 56


Circulation Policies
• Books (Other than reference books) may be borrowed or returned between 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on all working days. Reference Books and Journals are not for home issue.
• They should not be taken out of the reading hall.
• Students can take 4 books at a time on their Reference Card. Students can borrow three books for 4 days on their Library Card.
• Issued books must be returned to the library on or before the due date mentioned on the Due date slip.
• Failure to comply with this regulation a fine of Rs. 5/- per day is charged.
• A book returned by a borrower may be reissued to him/her only if there is no other claimant for it. Books must be returned in a good condition as they were at the time of issue.
• If a book is damaged or scribbled upon, the borrower will be liable to pay the full price of the book.
• On returning books, borrowers must ensure that the receiving clerk discharges the loan entry on his/her name.
• Until this is done the borrower is responsible for the book.
• A borrowed book which is not returned within 90 days of the ‘due date’ shall be treated as irrecoverable and the borrower shall be charged addition to the overdue fine.
• Students should not be keep books with them during any vacation.


Library Memberships
• All students enrolled in academic courses offered by the SVBCP are eligible for the college Identity Card.
• The ID card will be issue at First Year B. Pharm./M.Pharm. and it is intended to last the duration of your stay.
• This card is non-transferable and is the property of SVBCP. It gives the holder convenient access to a whole range of essential campus services and functions.
• Unauthorized or fraudulent use of ID card may be subject to penalty and or academic action.
• It is the cardholder’s responsibility to protect and maintain the condition of his/her card.
• You should carry your ID Card at all times whilst on college campus.
• You must produce your card immediately if asked for identification on a college campus by an authorized person (e.g. security staff).
• It shall be obligatory on the part of students to wear their Identity cards while stepping into the gate and till they are present in the campus and wherever you are presenting your college.
• The cardholder is responsible for immediately reporting a lost or stolen card.
• Reports must be made to the library staff.
• A temporary ID Card will be given against the nonrefundable fee of Rs. 100/- and the new ID Card will be issued in one month.
• The ID Card remains the property of the College. You are responsible for returning the card if asked to do so, when you are passing out.

Library Automation
 E-Granthalaya Digital Library
 D Space Software.
The material accessible are:
• Thesis
• Seminars and Industrial Reports
• Periodic Question Papers
• Semester Question Papers
• Staff Publications
• Syllabus
• E-books
• Photo Gallery
• College Publications


• Sections of the Library
• Circulation Section
• Text Book Section
• Reference stack Section
• Back Volume Journal Section
• Journal Section
• News Papers Section
• E- library section
• D theses & M.Pharm. Dissertation section
• Library Reading Hall (UG/PG Stu. & Faculty)


• Library Facilities & Library Services
1. Internet Facilities
2. OPAC Facility
3. Online Databases
4. Reprographic Facility
5. Audio Visual Facility
6. Suggestion Box Facility
7. Reading Room Facility
8. Open Access Facility for M. Pharm Students.
9. Circulation Service.
10. Current Awareness Service (CAS).
11. Reference Service.
12. Book Bank Service
13. Referral service
14. Text Message Alert Service
15. Remote Access of E-resource
16. Question Bank.